I could see it, across the river from Ville-Aux-Dames, a town a chose to mistranslate as the Village of the Damned as I struggled to find something to eat and to navigate my way through main roads and industrial estates whilst ...
RIGAULT de RUFFIAC fra EGIDIO. AEGIDIUS RIGAUDI. ROBERT ADEMARO. ADEMARUS ROBERTI. ROGER de BEAUFORT PIETRO. PETRUS ROGERII. ROGER fra UGO. HUGO ROGERII. SARRATZ (DE) fra PASTORE. PASTOR de SERRAESCUDERIO (Sarrats?) ...... Durante l'estate, ospite a Selvapiana (Parma) del suo amico Azzo da Correggio, prosegue il lavoro all'Africae al De viri illustris intrapreso ad Avignone. 1342 Comincia lo studio del greco sotto la guida del monaco basiliano Barlaam. ...
If anything this new spirit of ?slow travel??gaining greater prominence in national and worldwide publications?adds to the appreciation of locations like Mandelieu or Ruffiac which really require at least a week each to get to know. ...